Crowdsourcing Workshift > Find work > [English Speaking Countries] List up of 50 English Speaking Influencers
Job name
[English Speaking Countries] List up of 50 English Speaking InfluencersRequirements
1. Area
Country unspecified
2. Need Identity Verification
3. Skills
Seeking a freelancer who can make a list of 50 English speaking influencers who has SNS / YouTube / blog with big number of follower / PV / UU.
【Job Description】
We need a list of 50 English speaking influencers who matches the following conditions:
- Who has the potential to send out information about Japan/Japanese culture (who loves/is interested in Japan or Japanese culture, or who posted something about Japan/Japanese culture before)
- Who has 5,000-100,000 followers / viewers on their SNS page
- Who has more than 1,000 users and more than 10,000 Page Views per month
- 20 out of the 50 influencers must be living in Japan.
-Influencers must be posting in English.
We need the following information to be listed up :
- Influencer's name (nick name / handle name is acceptable)
- Nationality
- Language
- Gender (if identifiable)
- Age range (if identifiable)
- Occupation (if identifiable)
- Place of residence
- Type of SNS channel (Facebook, Instagram, blog, You Tube, e.t.c.) and its URL
- Number of followers/UU/PV
- Main post genre*
*(e.g. Manga, Anime, Games, Music, TV, Film, IT, Sports, Fashion, Cooking, Interiors, Travel, Culture, History, etc.)
【Delivery form】
We will send an excel sheet to those who are considered to be the best candidate.
【Delivery deadline】
Within 1 week after we “hire” the freelancer.
【Required condition/skill for the freelancer】
- Ability to communicate in Japanese or English.
- High response rate.
- Fulfilling profile in Workshift.
【Prohibited matter】:
Sharing the subject to a third party.
英語圏インフルエンサー(SNS page / blog / You Tube等で多くのフォロワー、UU、PVを保持する方)50人のリストアップをしていただける方を募集します。
- 日本もしくは日本文化を好きな方、興味がある方、日本もしくは日本文化について投稿をしている方
- 50人中20人は日本在住
- インフルエンサーの名前(ニックネーム、ハンドルネームだけでも構いません)
- SNSの種類(Facebook, Instagram, ブログ, You Tube, e.t.c.)
- そのURL
- フォロワー/UU/PVの数
- 主に投稿しているジャンル*
- 投稿言語
- 性別 (判別できれば)
- 年代 (判別できれば)
- 職業 (判別できれば)
当方がフリーランサーを“hire” してから一週間以内
- 日本語か英語でコミュニケーションが取れる方
- こちらとのコミュニケーションに遅延なくレスポンスいただける方
- ワークシフト内のプロフィールが受実している方
Introduction by Client and Background of Job
About Fee
Project Budget (tax included)
Client Desired Fee 10,000 yen to 50,000 yen -
Details of remuneration
Posting Ends
Desired Delivery Date
Delivery Format
Criteria for Hiring
Client information
Proposal Date: 2017-12-06 18:57 |