Crowdsourcing Workshift > Find work > 【イギリス】計量基準に関するデスクリサーチ / <<UK>> Desk Research on National Measurement Standards
Job name
【イギリス】計量基準に関するデスクリサーチ / <<UK>> Desk Research on National Measurement StandardsRequirements
1. Area
United Kingdom
2. Need Identity Verification
3. Skills
◆Desk research to gather the following information in UK
・Basic information about national metrology standards
・Information about traceability system
・Traceability flow for each category (e.g., length, time, temperature, etc.)
◆The deliverables will mainly consist of the following two elements
1) A summary (in Japanese) of the traceability system for the national measurement standards (3-4 pages in A4 size).
2) A summary of the traceability system for the three categories (in Japanese), one page for each in PowerPoint format.
◆Deadlines and Progress Meetings
The due date is January 31, 2023. We will also schedule weekly web meetings to report on your progress.
We will contact those considered suitable for the job with detailed information.
Introduction by Client and Background of Job
About Fee
Project Budget (tax included)
Client Desired Fee 200,000 yen to 300,000 yen -
Details of remuneration
■希望報酬 / Budget
Posting Ends
Desired Delivery Date
Delivery Format
Criteria for Hiring
- イギリス在住で、英語がネイティブ並みであること
- ワークシフト内のプロフィールが充実していること
- 日本語、若しくは英語でのコミュニケーションが可能であること
- Resident of UK, with a native level of English.
- Substantial and completed Workshift profile
- Applicant who can communicate in either Japanese or English
Personal identification verification may be asked during recruiting process.
■禁止事項 / Prohibition
・False Reporting
・Reprinting or leaking of any contents to a third party
・Failure to attend meetings or meet deadlines
Client information
Proposal Date: 2023-01-04 18:26 |