クラウドソーシング ワークシフト > 仕事を探す > REPOST_USA Regidential Only: Quesstionaries only for Freelancers in the field Corporate Sales, IT Developer or Designer in any field
REPOST_USA Regidential Only: Quesstionaries only for Freelancers in the field Corporate Sales, IT Developer or Designer in any field詳細内容
1. 対象国
2. 本人確認が必要か否か
3. カテゴリ
Dear Freelancers
One survey company is looking for freelancers who can answer their questionnaire.
It will take about 15-20 minutes and your precious time is rewarded with JPY1500 incl.Workshift fee.
You have to fulfill the following conditions to answer the questionnaire.
1) Country of residence: the United States of America
2) Self-employed or sideline without the employer
3) Don’t possess any real store
4) Not working in agriculture, forestry or fisheries industries
5) Mainly working as freelance (Your main income is as a freelancer)
6) You work as freelance as: Corporate sales for companies, IT developments, Designers in all field.
The number of freelancers are limited to 10 freelancer, and 3-4 freelancers per industry (Corporate sales, IT, Designers) per country. So we finish the recruitment for the particular freelancer so soon as we reach the target number.
To adjust the number of participants, please let me know the following info.
Your Name:
Country of residence:
City of residence:
Work as freelance in the field of*1:
*1 Corporate Sales or IT development or Designer, please indicate one of this.
プロジェクト予算 (税込)
クライアント希望金額 3,000円~10,000円未満 -
You must live in USA to apply for this job.
Please note that the reward per completed questionnaire is JPY1500 incl.Workshift fee.
3000-10000JPY indicates the total budget for this project.
1) Country of residence: the United States of America
2) Self-employed or sideline without the employer
3) Don’t possess any real store
4) Not working in agriculture, forestry or fisheries industries
5) Mainly working as freelance (Your main income is as a freelancer)
6) You work as freelance as: Corporate sales for companies, IT developments, Designers in all field.
Each person can answer this questionnaire only once.
提案日: 2019-12-18 14:36 |