Crowdsourcing Workshift > Find work > Lead-acid battery market in Malaysia
Job name
Lead-acid battery market in MalaysiaRequirements
1. Area
Country unspecified
2. Need Identity Verification
3. Skills
Describe your job here:
Lead-acid battery market in Malaysia
Lead-acid battery market in Malaysia
1.Market size or related statistics about lead-acid battery in Vietnam
-production/shipment amount(units) or value
*by application (car, folklift, UPS, etc.) if possible
2.MajorLead-acid battery manufacturers (top 10 if possible)
Please list below items in the excel.
-manufacturer name
-company salse (if possible)
-production/sales amount/value of the product (or production capacity)
-major product price (range)
-Please check the statistics and reports of central statistical offices, relevant governmental organisations and relevant associations.
-Please state the data sources (URL, report title, publisher name, etc.) for each data (especially for numerical data)
-Please ask by telephone to major companies about their company sales or the number of product performances if there's no data on their corporate website although relevant information may not be obtained.(if possible)
-Please explain how you find the major companies.
<deliverables file>
Excel, (word and power point if need
【 】のプログラミング言語で納品して下さい。
Introduction by Client and Background of Job
About Fee
Project Budget (tax included)
Client Desired Fee 3,000 yen to 10,000 yen -
Details of remuneration
Posting Ends
Desired Delivery Date
Delivery Format
Criteria for Hiring
Client information
Proposal Date: 2015-06-17 10:05 | |
Proposal Date: 2015-06-16 20:04 |