Search for Advertising and Public Relations jobsThis is a list of Advertising and Public Relations jobs. -Japanese Crowdsourcing Workshift-
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Home Page Development Web Design SEO - Search Engine Optimization Market Research and Surveys Web Page Development
Project Budget (tax included): 10,000 yen to 50,000 yen
【ベトナム】日本の県の公式アンバサダー業務(4回目)/ <<Vietnam>> Official Ambassador Role for Japanese Prefectures (4th)
Advertising and Public Relations SMM - Social Media Marketing Business Plan and Marketing Strategy Japanese ⇔ Vietnamese
Project Budget (tax included): 50,000 yen to 100,000 yen
【タイ】日本の県の公式アンバサダー業務(4回目)/ <<Thailand>> Official Ambassador Role for Japanese Prefectures (4th)
Advertising and Public Relations SMM - Social Media Marketing Business Plan and Marketing Strategy Japanese ⇔ Thai
Project Budget (tax included): 50,000 yen to 100,000 yen
【米国 LA】日本の県の公式アンバサダー業務(4回目)/ <<USA LA>> Official Ambassador Role for Japanese Prefectures (4th)
Advertising and Public Relations SMM - Social Media Marketing Business Plan and Marketing Strategy Japanese ⇔ English
Project Budget (tax included): 50,000 yen to 100,000 yen
【シンガポール】日本の県の公式アンバサダー業務(4回目)/ <<Singapore>> Official Ambassador Role for Japanese Prefectures (4th)
Advertising and Public Relations SMM - Social Media Marketing Business Plan and Marketing Strategy
Project Budget (tax included): 50,000 yen to 100,000 yen
インドネシア企業リストアップ/アポ取り/通訳 = Indonesian CompanyListUp/SetUpAppointments/Interpreter
Japanese ⇔ Indonesian Market Research and Surveys Telemarketing and Tel Sales Questionnaire and Research
Project Budget (tax included): 50,000 yen to 100,000 yen
Telemarketing and Tel Sales
Project Budget (tax included): 100,000 yen to 200,000 yen
【中国】農林水産省主催のコンテストを和食レストランに告知する仕事 / <<China>> Tel marketing to encourage Japanese restaurant to participate in the contest sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture
Telemarketing and Tel Sales Other Business Service, Sales and Marketing
Project Budget (tax included): 300,000 yen to 500,000 yen
【米国西海岸】農林水産省主催のコンテストを和食レストランに告知する仕事 / <<USA West Coast>> Tel marketing to encourage Japanese restaurant to participate in the contest sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture
Telemarketing and Tel Sales Other Business Service, Sales and Marketing
Project Budget (tax included): 200,000 yen to 300,000 yen
【米国東海岸】農林水産省主催のコンテストを和食レストランに告知する仕事 / <<USA East Coast>> Tel marketing to encourage Japanese restaurant to participate in the contest sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture
Other Business Service, Sales and Marketing Telemarketing and Tel Sales
Project Budget (tax included): 200,000 yen to 300,000 yen
【イギリス】農林水産省主催のコンテストを和食レストランに告知する仕事 / <<UK>> Tel marketing to encourage Japanese restaurant to participate in the contest sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture
Telemarketing and Tel Sales Other Business Service, Sales and Marketing
Project Budget (tax included): 300,000 yen to 500,000 yen
【タイ バンコク】日本の県のアンバサダー業務1年間 / 【Bangkok, Thailand】1 year of ambassador work for certain prefecture in Japan
Advertising and Public Relations SMM - Social Media Marketing Business Plan and Marketing Strategy
Project Budget (tax included): 300,000 yen to 500,000 yen
【アメリカ西海岸】日本の県のアンバサダー業務1年間 / 【U.S. West Coast】1 Year of Ambassador Work for Certain Prefecture in Japan
Advertising and Public Relations SMM - Social Media Marketing Business Plan and Marketing Strategy
Project Budget (tax included): 300,000 yen to 500,000 yen
【ベトナム ハノイ・ホーチミン】日本の県のアンバサダー業務1年間 / 【Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam】1 year of ambassador work for certain prefecture in Japan
Advertising and Public Relations SMM - Social Media Marketing Business Plan and Marketing Strategy
Project Budget (tax included): 300,000 yen to 500,000 yen
【タイ】果物の輸入業者(バイヤー)を探し、オンライン商談会に参加してもらう / 【Thailand】Find Fruit Importer (buyer) and Have Them Participate in Online Meeting
Telemarketing and Tel Sales Make a list
Project Budget (tax included): 100,000 yen to 200,000 yen
【インドネシア】果物の輸入業者(バイヤー)を探し、オンライン商談会に参加してもらう / 【Indonesia】Find Fruit Importer (buyer) and Have Them Participate in Online Meeting
Telemarketing and Tel Sales Make a list
Project Budget (tax included): 100,000 yen to 200,000 yen
【台湾】ブランド・ショップのリストアップ、ヒアリング、及び営業 / 【Taiwan】List Up Boutiques and Try to Make Appointments
Telemarketing and Tel Sales Make a list
Project Budget (tax included): 50,000 yen to 100,000 yen
【米国 LA】日本の県の公式アンバサダー業務(2回目)/ <<USA LA>> Official Ambassador Role for Japanese Prefectures (2nd)
Advertising and Public Relations SMM - Social Media Marketing Business Plan and Marketing Strategy Japanese ⇔ English
Project Budget (tax included): 50,000 yen to 100,000 yen
【タイ】日本の県の公式アンバサダー業務(2回目)/ <<Thailand>> Official Ambassador Role for Japanese Prefectures (2nd)
Advertising and Public Relations SMM - Social Media Marketing Business Plan and Marketing Strategy Japanese ⇔ Thai
Project Budget (tax included): 50,000 yen to 100,000 yen
【ベトナム】日本の県の公式アンバサダー業務(2回目)/ <<Vietnam>> Official Ambassador Role for Japanese Prefectures (2nd)
Advertising and Public Relations SMM - Social Media Marketing Business Plan and Marketing Strategy Japanese ⇔ Vietnamese
Project Budget (tax included): 50,000 yen to 100,000 yen