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指定6社(AWS、Google、Apple、NVidia、Intel、Broadcom)の サステナビリティ関連の在籍職員や元在籍社員との面談を設定。 Arrange interviews with current or former employees involved in sustainability-related roles at the six designated companies (AWS, Google, Apple, NVIDIA, Intel, and Broadcom).

Other Business Service, Sales and Marketing List Up Target Company
Project Budget (tax included): 200,000 yen to 300,000 yen
【台湾】企業リスト 設備機器メーカー [Taiwan] Company list Cooking appliances manufacturers in Taiwan
Make a list List Up Target Company Market Research and Surveys
Project Budget (tax included): 100,000 yen to 200,000 yen
Research on EC platforms specialized in industrial products
Market Research and Surveys Make a list Web Research List Up Target Company
Project Budget (tax included): 10,000 yen to 50,000 yen
Research on EC platforms specialized in industrial products
Market Research and Surveys Make a list Web Research List Up Target Company
Project Budget (tax included): 10,000 yen to 50,000 yen
Listing of potential distributors of stationery (writing instruments) in the South African market
Statistical Analysis List Up Target Company
Project Budget (tax included): 50,000 yen to 100,000 yen
We are looking for a telesales agent in VN.
Telemarketing and Tel Sales Other Business Service, Sales and Marketing List Up Target Company
Project Budget (tax included): 50,000 yen to 100,000 yen
フランスのシャンパン地方で生産するシャンパン(オリジナルラベル)の供給先を探してほしい。 Find a supplier of champagne produced in the Champagne region of France. *Supply under our original label.
Other Business Service, Sales and Marketing Make a list Market Research and Surveys Business Consulting List Up Target Company
Project Budget (tax included): 10,000 yen to 50,000 yen
For Mr.Linh Only
List Up Target Company Market Research and Surveys Other Business Service, Sales and Marketing
Project Budget (tax included): 100,000 yen to 200,000 yen
「Mdaichi」さん向けの仕事です / This job is only for 'Mdaichi'
Direct Job Offer Web Research Telemarketing and Tel Sales List Up Target Company
Project Budget (tax included): 50,000 yen to 100,000 yen
Market research in Manila
Telemarketing and Tel Sales Market Research and Surveys Make a list Web Research List Up Target Company
Project Budget (tax included): 50,000 yen to 100,000 yen
Market research in Vietnam
Telemarketing and Tel Sales Market Research and Surveys Make a list Web Research List Up Target Company
Project Budget (tax included): 50,000 yen to 100,000 yen
Riset pabrik Indonesia
Market Research and Surveys List Up Target Company Make a list
Project Budget (tax included): 3,000 yen to 10,000 yen
Riset pabrik Indonesia
Market Research and Surveys List Up Target Company Make a list
Project Budget (tax included): 3,000 yen to 10,000 yen
Market research /Make a list of instrument products companies in Vietnam
Market Research and Surveys Other Business Service, Sales and Marketing List Up Target Company Make a list
Project Budget (tax included): 3,000 yen to 10,000 yen
Make a list of gasoline/diesel dispenser manufacturer and the market share in China
Market Research and Surveys Other Business Service, Sales and Marketing List Up Target Company
Project Budget (tax included): 3,000 yen to 10,000 yen
【For Mr. Linh only】Company Listing in Vietnam
Other Business Service, Sales and Marketing Make a list List Up Target Company
Project Budget (tax included): 100,000 yen to 200,000 yen
For Mr. ytktw only Taiwan M Project
Market Research and Surveys Other Business Service, Sales and Marketing List Up Target Company Business Plan and Marketing Strategy
Project Budget (tax included): 50,000 yen to 100,000 yen
【Indonesia】 List up Possible Sales Partner or Network Integrator Companies
Market Research and Surveys List Up Target Company
Project Budget (tax included): 10,000 yen to 50,000 yen
【台湾】企業リスト 設備機器メーカー [Taiwan] Company list Cooking appliances manufacturers in Taiwan
Make a list List Up Target Company Market Research and Surveys
Project Budget (tax included): 100,000 yen to 200,000 yen
【台湾】企業リスト 設備機器メーカー [Taiwan] Company list Cooking appliances manufacturers in Taiwan
Make a list List Up Target Company Market Research and Surveys
Project Budget (tax included): 100,000 yen to 200,000 yen